
Donations with AAUW SPF are fast, secure, and tax deductible through PayPal.  A PayPal account is not required.  

  1. Click a Donate button.
  2. Enter your donation amount.
  3. Select a project/scholarship.
  4. Pay with a credit/debit card OR your PayPal account.
  5. Get an email confirmation.

AAUW Branch Scholarships     Donate with PayPal

AAUW Branch Projects    Donate with PayPal

AAUW CA Projects (Tech Trek)    Donate with PayPal

Tech Trek:  Write Branch Name in PayPal optional Note field.

AAUW CA Projects (Speech Trek)  Donate with PayPal

Speech Trek:  Write Branch Name in PayPal optional Note field.

AAUW CA Projects (Gov Trek)  Donate with PayPal

Gov Trek:  Write Branch Name in PayPal optional Note field.


View a list of branch scholarships, branch projects, and CA projects names and account numbers:

Account & Class #’s

Questions? about a branch scholarship or project, contact the specific branch treasurer.


Need additional information?  Email:  SPF Treasurer at